Sign up for 5-day cycle trip on the Namdal coast

Sign up by filling out the form below. One person will be registered as contact person and be responsible for the order. We need names and dates of birth for all travelers. Date of birth is required for booking tickets for the express boat. We also need information about height to adapt your bike as best as possible. Please state any allergies, so that we can pass this on to the accommodation and catering establishments.

Payment is made via an invoice that we send out after we have confirmed your registration.


Per person in a double room NOK 15,900

Single room + NOK 2,500

Rental of an ordinary hybrid bicycle included in the package

Electric bike rental NOK 1,500

Read more about payment and cancellation.

Sign up for cycle trip

We need this information to adjust the bikes
Travel conditions
Payment is made by invoice. When booking earlier than 60 days before departure, a deposit of NOK 2,000 per person will be invoiced. For orders made less than 60 days before the departure date, the full amount will be invoiced.

The order is binding when the deposit has been paid. Failure to pay the deposit is not considered a cancellation. Cancellation must be made in writing or verbally to us.

Cancellation more than 30 days before the departure date results in a full refund minus the deposit. Cancellation less than 30 days before departure does not result in a refund.

Cancellation due to illness or other events
We recommend everyone to have travel insurance/cancellation insurance in case of illness or other unforeseen events that prevent you from completing the trip.

Travel insurance and liability
The traveler must him- or herself take the necessary precautions before and during the trip, including ensuring that they has comprehensive travel insurance.

By paying the deposit/final amount, the customer has accepted the general conditions in this document, as part of the agreement between Kystriksveien Reiseliv and the customer.

We ask for personal information when ordering. This information is necessary to ensure that we can carry out and confirm the order. This information will not be used for other purposes and will not be shared with other outside parties, with the exception of necessary information provided to the parties involved in your booking (hotels etc.).
The personal information will not be sold or shared.

Read more about our privacy policy here.
Bestillingen er bindende når depositumet er betalt. Å unnlate å betale depositum regnes ikke som avbestilling. Avbestilling må skje skriftlig eller muntlig til oss.

Avbestilling mer enn 30 dager før avreisedato gir full refusjon minus depositum. Avbestilling mindre enn 30 dager før avreise gir ingen refusjon.

Avbestilling ved sykdom eller andre hendelser
Vi anbefaler alle å ha reiseforsikring/avbestillingsforsikring i tilfelle sykdom eller andre uforutsette hendelser som hindrer at du kan gjennomføre turen.

Reiseforsikring og ansvar
Den reisende må selv ta de nødvendige forholdsregler før og under reisen, herunder sørge for å ha dekkende reiseforsikring.

Ved å betale depositum/sluttbeløp har kunden akseptert de generelle vilkårene i dette dokumentet, som en del av avtalen mellom Kystriksveien Reiseliv og kunden.

Vi ber om personlig informasjon ved bestilling. Denne informasjonen er nødvendig for å sikre at vi kan gjennomføre og bekrefte bestillingen. Denne informasjonen vil ikke bli brukt til andre formål og vil ikke bli delt med andre utenforstående parter, med unntak av nødvendig informasjon gitt til partene som er involvert i bestillingen din (hoteller etc.).
Den personlige informasjonen vil ikke bli solgt eller delt.