Plan your trip along Kystriksveien

On this page you will find the information you need to plan your own journey along Kystriksveien. Here you will find accommodation, places to eat and what to do. Find information about transport options and how best to get from place to place. You may order our free travel guide (shipping added) in our online shop.

The scenic road Kystriksveien stretches from Steinkjer in the south to Bodø in the north. The road is long and the experiences that await you are unique. Remember that Kystriksveien is not intended as a speed stage! Spend some time, take detours, go island hopping. You will not regret it.

Our annual travel guide is a handy little thing. It is useful to bring with you on a trip along Kystriksveien, and not least when you are planning your trip. The travel guide is financed by businesses along Kystriksveien, and you will find contact information for accommodation, restaurants and activities.

You can read it online as a pdf, order it in a travel shop, or pick it up at selected locations along the road between Steinkjer and Bodø.